The Technology powering Temecula Life Winery Guide

Temecula Life Winery Guide, from the ground up, is a custom solution web application. We designed our application to benefit from modern technologies. Together with smart convention choices and versioning of everything, we’ve ensured backward compatibility for years to come.

We decided on VueJS as a front-end framework for it’s excellent flavor of web components, responsive design, and a syntax that just makes sense. Vuex is an obvious choice, keeping our data centralized with a single direction of information flow. Webpack comes with the VueJS CLI, but we would have used it anyway for it’s large catalog of plugins and parsers. We’d be remise to not mention Vuetify as a heavy influencer and great bootstrap for our extensive operator and administrative interfaces. And of course, the glue that binds our application together, Cordova.

On the back-end, our ExpressJS server running on NodeJS easily serves over 1 thousand concurrent users on top of a MySQL database. NGINX, Docker, and Git are a few more technologies we use heavily. All of our APIs make use of a strict, versioned, and RESTful API, so no data requests are misunderstood.

Our final product sports a full-featured user interface with many dynamically generated views, animated page transitions, caching for reduced data consumption, and time-aware logic which presents the most relevant information to the user. For winery operators/managers we offer a full-featured administrative interface with the ability to update their winery’s hours, events list, and wine list, all right from within the app, or by using our browser portal. Wineries like Akash and Lorenzi Estate Vineyards are among the first businesses benefiting from this convenient self-management interface.

“Wineries like Akash and Lorenzi Estate Vineyards are among the first businesses benefiting from this convenient self-management interface.”

If you too are looking to develop a mobile/web hybrid application, let us know what challenges you’ve faced in the comments. We’ll be back with a more in-depth look at what makes Temecula Life Winery Guide tick!

Luis Gonzalez1 Comment